Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dedication to Chris and Georgia Frankel - Inspiration Amidst a Troubled Economy

It is hardly necessary to point out the troubled state of the world's economy. Within my own neighborhood I see friends and neighbors downsizing, foreclosing, and seeking unemployment benefits on a regular basis. I am grateful to have a job, a home, and to have been taught to be fiscally wise with my funds. Moreover, I am grateful that my wife and I have been blessed such that we can also help those in need. Unselfishness during a time of self-indulgence is exactly what we need to lifts hearts and console the down-trodden.

I was recently inspired by a story I read on CNN's iReport about a couple who give freely to those around them - not only through finances, but through their own home and time. You can read the story here. I hope that this story inspires all who read it to reach beyond themselves to help buoy up another. There are opportunities for selflessness and generosity at every turn and Chris and Georgia Frankel are a wonderful demonstration of this attitude.

I released a new recording of a Bach Prelude (No. 9 in E Major) yesterday without any dedicatory note. I would like to dedicate that recording to Chris and Georgia Frankel, the couple featured in the story I refer to above. They have extended their family to reach beyond their blood relatives and this beautiful little prelude is my way of saying "thank you" for being inspirations during troubled times.

Thank you for your examples; thank you for your generosity; thank you for your unconditional love; and thank you for demonstrating to everybody that love and good nature should be the root of our relationships!

Chris and Georgia, I must also add a "thank you" for the fact that you bring Mormon missionaries into your home for dinner on a regular basis. I am not sure if you are members of the Mormon faith, but I am - and I served as a Mormon missionary for two years in 1998-2000. Having been in the position of a young missionary, I know how much your generosity must mean to them. As missionaries, we provide the funds for our own missionary work and we are not paid or reimbursed for the service we provide. So a nice home-cooked meal from a loving family is always a heart-warming experience. So again, THANK YOU for what you are doing. I hope that you enjoy this recording of Bach's Prelude No. 9 in E Major - dedicated to you, your children, and all those to whom you have extended your home and hearts!

You may use the media player below to listen to the recording, or you can download a copy from here.


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